Sunday, April 17, 2011

Assignment 2-Motion-based Poster (Part 2)

Now I will animate the poster in flash by adding some motions to it.

First, I open a new document in flash (ActionScript 3.0) . 
Here is the blank stage.
Go to "Properties" and check the size.
Then I changed the size to 320x240px.
I also reduce the frame rate to 12 frames/sec.
Save the document before starting anything.
I save it as a "workingcopy" in the Desktop because it is more convenient for me.
We start by adding a number of 181 frames into the layer which is about 15 seconds overall.
Later on, I added  a new layer to it and rename it as "clothes". I keep layer 1 as it is to determine the limit of the timeline which I need to use but it is not necessary actually.
File > Import > Import to Library.
The AI file with the title "CLOTHING" is chosen to be placed into flash in it's library. 
Make sure to check every layers before importing the images to library. Then click "OK".
The image is then situated in the library and could be use many times.
I did the same thing to the other images by importing them into the library.
Then, I created new layers for every image and words including the frames.
I renamed "layer 1" as a background now.

I changed the background colour into a peach like colour like in my original poster. Later on, I placed the "MALAYSIA" word in the layer named MALAYSIA. and adjust it using the "free transform" making it a bit more dynamic.
After that, I added the other wordings into the stage into their respective layers. 
Resizing it with "free transform" tool while arranging it in the way I want it to be.

All of the words and images are "Convert to Symbol" in order for motion to be added onto them.
I inserted a keyframe to where I wanted the image to appear and disappear. I also included motion using "Motion Tween" making the words fly in and out of the stage. I also use alpha properties for the clothing image.

I planned to make it a simple motion-based poster as I am still in the process of learning how to use flash.
Finally I finished my motion-based poster.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Assignment 2- Motion-based poster (Part 1)

In assignment 2, we need to use images from assignment 1 to make a motion-based poster.
This is how i make my poster. To make a motion-based poster flash, i need to use the image and wordings separately so I have to change it in Illustrator first.

From assignment 1 which I done in Adobe Illustrator, this is the image which I am about to use separate it before exporting it into flash.
I reopen a new document and renamed it as "Clothings" (for the image in the poster).
From the main image, I closed all the other layers except for the image layer (clothings) and select the image.
After that, I dragged the image to the previous document (Clothings) which i opened before.
I rotate the image so it could fit the canvas size and save it.

I did the same thing to the wordings too.

Like just now, I reopen a new document and renamed it as "Independence".
This is the blank canvas that has been renamed as "Independence".
Then, I dragged the word, "Independence" into the new canvas.
Here, I change the font size to 3pt because it is too small.
The size of the words is now bigger. I tried to make it fill the whole space by using the "free transform" tool. 

It will become this big and I save it as an Illustrator file like I did on the image to be use later in Flash.

The other wordings like Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sabah, Sarawak, Unity, Trust, Family, Together and Malaysia are also being applied in the same way, so that I have separate images and words to be use in flash which is more convenient.

Assigment 2-Motion-based Poster (Plannings)

Due to the lack of images in Assignment 1, I planned to just make some movements especially on the words in the poster. Like some words goin in and out the show the whole poster. Then finally showing the real poster.

This is the real image from assignment 1.

Chinese New Year Song